Anders Banke: Clarinet & Tenor Saxophone
Jakob Davidsen: Piano
John Ehde: Cello
Lars Andreas Haug: Tuba
Hasse Poulsen: Guitar
Torben Snekkestad: Soprano & Tenor Saxophone
Recording and mixing engineer: Lars Palsig
Recording supervisor: Ole Matthiesen
Recorded December 2006
Mastering by Michael Seminatore, Border Studio
Cover painting by Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux (photo by Muriel Anssens)
Painting © Galerie Lœvenbruck, Paris
Graphic Design: Christian Kirk-Jensen / Danish Pastry Design, Paris
Recording produced by DR P2Jazz – Danish National Radio
Release produced by Hasse Poulsen.
with support from the Danish Composers Society’s Production Pool/KODA’s Fund
for social and Cultural purposes
Special thanks to: ToneART: Emil Hess, Niels Præstholm and everyone in ToneArt. Arnaud Labelle-Rojoux. Ole Mathiessen. Lars Palsig
And special gratitude to Jakob Davidsen whose idea it was to put together this group and invite me in the first place.
Quark Records 003 © 2008
Graphic Design / Art Direction
Christian Kirk-Jensen
2008 / 07